Navigating the Financial World of the Family with Special Needs

The Complete Overview of the Special Needs Family 

“Navigating the Financial World of the Family with Special Needs: The Complete Overview of the Special Needs Journey” is a workshop which examines the unique process of providing and planning for the family with special needs. Incredibly detailed and comprehensive, this workshop explores what it means to be a family with special needs, the different ways in which families take the special needs journey together, and offers tips that can help you and your family with special needs plan for the best possible future.

We feel that it is especially important for families to attend this financial planning special needs seminar as it covers topics that can often be uncomfortable to consider but are essential to any sort of financial or legal plan for the future. For example, we discuss providing for the individual with special needs after the parents are gone, i.e. through insurance concepts, special needs trust, and housing opportunities.  Planning for the financial (and other) ramifications of “solo care” in the event of a death of a spouse/partner is explored; we also touch on legal and estate issues, the Special Needs Trust (and the funding of this trust), as well as the Letter of Intent. Finally, we discuss how completing our Comprehensive Special Needs Financial Life Plan will enable you to be proactive in planning for the entire family’s financial future.

Overall, this workshop is intended to bring simplicity and understanding to a very complex and overwhelming topic. For more information, or to register for an upcoming workshop, please contact us. We are also available to host this workshop in a venue of your choice.

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