We have done so many things we first heard about from your seminar, including a new will, a special needs trust set up by my parents, communicating with all family members about not leaving money to our child, our own special needs trust, and now a 2nd to die life insurance policy to fund the trust.
Barry Lotenberg, Arlington, Virginia
Thank you for conducting the very informative and timely workshops this year. I have recommended them to others and will continue to do so. My biggest take-away was “what you don’t know can hurt you.” As a health educator, who was faced with a son’s catastrophic injury two years ago, we had to navigate SSI/ Medicaid and renovating our home quickly to accommodate Steven’s new needs as a disabled adult. This was all overwhelming, and your workshops filled in the important financial and insurance needs we faced necessarily, and while under extreme stress. We’ve acted on many of your alerts and recommendations. You helped us tremendously to get things going and handle the priorities. We’d still be “in the weeds” if you hadn’t helped us with education, resources, contacts and real-life scenarios that motivated and strengthened us.
Thank you!
AmyAmy H. Moorer, CFRE
Director of Advancement
Community Clinic, Inc.
To the HSC Foundation Board,
It goes without saying, my words cannot express the heartfelt thanks we have in our appreciation for your funding of the Financial Assessment Planning Program for TLC that allowed our family a complete financial review and strategy planning from Maedi Tanham Carney, CFP founder of M&L Special Needs Planning. My daughter, who has Prader-Willi Syndrome, and attends the Katherine Thomas School; requires consistent special needs within the KTS education program. To meet her future needs, financial planning is a critical asset tool for her future success. The work that your funding allowed in financially analyzing what future finances we will require to care for her later needs and her older sister cannot be overemphasized! As a result of knowing what our daughter will need for financial planning, we realized the need to initiate strategies in the use of our Special Needs Trust, which will be a primary strategic tool required for her existence, once we are gone. This financial analysis allowed us to see where we need to develop funding for her special needs trust, but also how we can fund this tool, with the appropriate insurance products as well as where we need to current and future resolve spending conflicts and other financial resource strategies for our upcoming retirement annuities and future career resources.
You may not realize it, but your Financial Assessment Planning Program is an essential tool and critical asset for parents, like us, working and financially struggling to help our children succeed with their diverse special needs and the general family planning needed for our children’s future, that would otherwise be lost and missed, if this financial planning assessment were not funded, allowed and lost? Therefore, we would hope you continue to fund and maintain this critically needed financial planning program for TLC.
Again thanks for allowing our family this opportunity, which is needed.
God bless,
Bill Vucci