
At M&L Special Needs Planning, we feel that access to the right information is the key to planning a successful future.

In keeping with our goal to keep you informed, and to provide you with the tools to enable you to plan a happy and successful future for your family, we have compiled a list of special needs resources. As always, if you have any questions about any of these resources, or the services that we provide, please contact us. We are happy to help.

Organizations: This special needs resource link will take you to a list of organizations that are dedicated to providing special needs services to your family and your child with special needs. The list includes organizations from all across the country.

Advocacy: Advocacy is a public process by an individual or group which attempts to influence governmental policy and resource allocations. We have compiled a list of advocacy groups that can help you fight for issues that are pertinent to you and your family.

Government and Social Security: A key aspect of our special needs planning services involves working with governmental agencies in order to access public resources. We have provided you with the websites for a number of agencies that you may need to contact in order to receive information or benefits that are important to your family’s future.

Housing: There are a number of organizations which provide information and services related to housing issues and questions. These special needs resources are excellent starting points for understanding housing services.

Disability: This link will take you to a list of websites which contain a wealth of information related to disability, including the link to, a redesigned federal website that connects more than 50 million Americans with disabilities to thousands of resources on disability related issues, programs and services.

Local ARCS: The ARC is the world’s largest community-based organization of and for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This link will take you to the websites of the ARC chapters located in Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. The ARCs are located in every state and are an excellent special needs resource for the family with special needs.

Post-Secondary Options: Many parents of children with special needs worry about what their child will do after high school. We have compiled a list of programs and special needs resources to help you access information and begin to plan for this transition in your child’s life.

Health: This list of websites will help you access information regarding medical insurance, medication control, as well as other health related issues.

Transitioning: The transition from school into adulthood is an essential and often complex step in the life of a person with special needs. These special needs resources will provide you with information and access to service providers who can help you and your child with special needs on his or her transitioning journey.

EmploymentThis section is geared towards employment resources for adults with special needs.  There is a number of organization which compile information on this topic. We will add only the best special needs resources to this category.

Magazines and Articles: We have a gathered a number of really fantastic magazines and articles that can provide you with expert information, other special needs resources, and can provide links to other members of the special needs community.

General Assistance: These resources are designed to help with any overall questions, or to provide general information or help on a wide range of topics.

Children with Special Needs: A brief description of what it means to be a child with special needs, the emotional process of the first diagnosis, and the important of early intervention. Early intervention services for both the Washington D.C. area, and nationwide are provided at the end of the article.

Children with Healthcare Needs: A brief description of what it means to be a child with special healthcare needs, how it can impact the family situation, and statistics regarding children with special health care needs from across America.  Resources to help you find help in obtaining a diagnosis, health care, and support are provided.

Special Education Schools: When it comes to helping children with special needs realize their fullest potential, special education schools are a valuable asset. Follow this link for a brief article outlining exactly why special needs schools are so important, and the ways in which the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 affects the way we educate our children with special needs.

Special Need Trust: A Special Needs Trust is the only legal solution to protect an individual with disabilities to qualify for government benefits. Follow this link for a brief explanation of what the term means and the different types of Special Needs Trusts, as well as other important points to consider when setting up your own Special Needs Trust.

Maryland Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Resource Locator: In order to improve access to information about needed services and resources, Maryland’s Office for Genetics and People with Special Health Care Needs created the resource database. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) of Maryland created the online resource database for children and youth with special health care needs. In  Maryland, over one-third of families of these children report that they cannot easily access needed community-based services and half of the same families report that they need help finding services for their youngsters.  For families in rural areas of the state, it can be even more difficult to find specialty services.

Cerebral Palsy Guide is a website that is intended to give parents of children with cerebral palsy simple, straightforward information about cerebral palsy and its treatment, as well as to help families connect with medical and legal professionals. Designed specifically with parents of children newly diagnosed with CP in mind, the website strives to offer “peace, healing, and happiness.”

Caregiver’s Corner: “Parents of children with disabilities encounter many questions and challenges that most parents never experience. If you are the parent of a special needs child, it is important to know where to turn for reliable answers and emotional support and what resources are available. Caregiver’s Corner is designed to be a comprehensive listing of organizations, support groups, events, services and opportunities to empower parents and caregivers of children with disabilities.”

Interactive Planner for Caregivers: Explore this website, and discover user-friendly ways to schedule your child’s day, record your child’s meals, track games and activities, log medications, and share emergency contact information.

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